Second post!
Hi... this is my second post. I´m really shy expressing my private life so I will try to verbalize up something that may or may not make sense.
Anyway. I´ll write up this shit in English just becasue of the fact that I´m shy and do not want to really express all my fellings or tales.. English will keep me safe in a sort of way.
I would like to begin telling you that I made some really bad joke this weekend to someone that I know. This joke was.. well.. just a joke.. nothing more than that.. It did of course cause me some kind of shock because it revealed some pretty cool secrets.. it wasn´t that bad anyway since I kind of knew it.. :-)...... dude... don´t get medieval with me... (but I still want that North Face Vest.... Ha!)
There´s a party in my hometown... celebrating el día de Santa Cecilia... I live near La Plaza and as you may know.. it is a town... people get together in la plaza and they chat, have fun, criticize and so on... This day musician play for free and people fomr the town and ranchos come to celebrate and dance.. I just came from the street and it is packed. There are fireworks and the smell of powder is high... lots of people... I was trying to see if I could hook up with some hot chick but naa.... other towns lack things like water, soil, minerals, oil, etc... we, on the other hand, lack pretty hot chicks... all of them are either married or have babyes... ha! ironic right? guess I lost my oportunity.. although, I´m not that old or bad looking (y el modesto?)... feel that I still can make it.... shit.. of course I can make it.. what the heck am I talking 'bout... i´m a freaking heartbreaking mutherfucker...
Shit... didn´t realize it was kind of late.. got to hit the sack for now.. will keep you posted..
Oh.. yeah.. my English is rusty so what!!! at least I will practice and could get better!!
Ya se ke no hay pedo!!!.... Si la situación económica del país lo permite y el medio ambiente mejora, considerare seriamente lo del regalo jajajajaja....
solo aclarame algo como esta eso de que: "You knew it!!!"..... Me dejo intrigado!!!
P.D. Eres el primer familiar que sabe!!!! (no supe como tomarlo!!!)
November 22, 2004 at 8:37 PM
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